Beginning at the End

In order to create anything, I begin at the end.  I pre-visualize whatever it is that I want to create and sit with that vision fully realized in my imagination until I've marinated myself in the experience of it being complete, until it becomes a truth.

At the very beginning of any creative act, I start by feeling the sense of accomplishment, joy, prosperity, freedom ... I will feel at the end of my goal. I let those feelings seep into my cells.  I want to hold onto that feeling state and begin my creative process from that place. It's my  objective to hold onto that focus every step of the way forward to accomplish my creative goal to it's full manifestation. And when I forget, or when fear becomes louder than my faith, I begin again at the end where my feeling state delivers me into exactly what I am looking for.


                                            Birds of Paradise . Paris, France . Beginning at the End . Gail Hill . 2013

I am creative

I've lost count of the number of times I've heard the statement "I'm not really creative". Who started this? It's time to stop. It's so wrong. Dead wrong in fact. Everyone is creative by nature. Every second of every day I am creative and so are you.


And I'll venture a guess here that if you're reading this you have some thoughts and feelings about your creativity and what you accomplish.

I've practiced a discipline around creativity for a long time and I've shared my process with lots of people. The disclaimer "I'm not really ..." comes into play at the beginning of risk. And since we're such a risk averse culture many people choose to keep their lives small where they might exist in an illusion of safety.  I aim to positively influence the way you think of your ability to be creative and guide you into seeing the full power potential to change or create everything that is right in front of you every single waking moment of your day. This could be a waking moment right now.

Creative process needs a belief to flourish. Even a teeny, tiny little seed of quiet potential can be nurtured into the big idea. And conversely, creativity diminishes relative to the limiting beliefs about it's potential. So I'll say it first, I don't have any limiting beliefs about your creative potential. Now you say it.

I AM CREATIVE. Wake up to that.

                              Son corps fragilise par les amours perdus . Lourmarin, France . I am creat…

                              Son corps fragilise par les amours perdus . Lourmarin, France . I am creative . Gail Hill